Environment notice on Kubernetes

A recent project of mine has been getting a Rails application set up on Kuberentes.
I’ve found myself frequently opening up shells and Rails consoles on the pods for debugging and testing. It didn’t take long before I almost ran something in production that I meant to run in the staging environment.
Sometimes a simple alert is enough to keep you from shooting yourself in the foot.
I created a simple Bash script, added it to the Docker image, and added it to both
the Bash and irb
profiles so that it would be executed when starting either
a Bash shell or a Rails console and let me know which environment I’m in.
In our setup, Kubernetes namespaces denote the environment such as production or staging.
On a running pod, you can read the current Kuberentes namespace from a file mounted by Kubernetes:
$ cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace
As a fallback, try reading the environment variable KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE
which we set globally.
This could come in handy if the namespace
file path ever changes.
set -euo pipefail
if [ -f ${kse_namespace_file} ]; then
namespace=$(cat ${kse_namespace_file})
case ${namespace} in
production) style="\e[91m\e[21m\e[7m" ;;
staging) style="\e[93m" ;;
edge) style="\e[36m" ;;
*) style="\e[95m" ;;
echo -e " This is the ${style}${namespace}\e[0m environment."
In the Dockerfile
, env_alert.sh
is added to /opt/bin
To run it when starting an interactive Bash shell, append to ~/.bashrc
To run it when starting a Rails console, add a line of Ruby to ~/.irbrc
COPY docker/env_alert.sh /opt/bin/env_alert
RUN echo /opt/bin/env_alert >> ~/.bashrc
RUN echo 'system "/opt/bin/env_alert"' >> ~/.irbrc
Now the script runs every time a shell or Rails console is started.
Big warning in the production environment:

More subtle notice in the edge environment: