Migrating from Gmail to Migadu

I first joined Gmail back in 2003 when it was in an invite-only beta. When Google for Work became available, I moved mroach.com there to get away from my old Mailgun -> public Gmail forwarding which broke spam filtering.

Times have changed and I’ve had about enough of Google in my life and it’s time to make a move. On Mastodon and Reddit I had seen Migadu mentioned several times as a simple, affordable, no-nonsense email hosting provider. I took the plunge and setup an account there.

Eras Tour Handbook

Table of Contents

Navigation on Apple Books

When I went to my first Eras Tour show, I was out of the loop on a lot of the fan chants and interactions. Before my next show I got up to speed thanks to some videos and guides people had put together.

Since then, the tour has changed to include The Tortured Poets Department and the removal of some other songs.

Super Nintendo Import

Super Nintendo Import

For the past 20 years or so, my Super Nintendo has been sitting in storage in my parents basement in the US. This is a standard original US version of the Super Nintendo. I finally brought it back to Denmark a few months ago.

When importing a console from one region to another, there are two big considerations: power and video.


The power system in North America is 120v at 60 Hz. In Europe, it’s 230v at 50 Hz.

URL Validation in Ruby

When it comes to validation, I don’t like to re-invent the wheel. Many programming languages have built-in modules for common types of data, such as a URL.

In Ruby, we have the URI module which is often used to generate, parse, and manipulate a URI. It has a method URI.parse which accepts a string and creates an instance of a URI.

For a time, I thought this was a decent approach to use. You could validate a string as a URL doing something like:

Changing Brother MFC Language

Changing Brother MFC Language

I bought a Brother MFC-L2710DW multi-function laser printer and scanner. I bought it in Germany. When I turned on the machine for the first time it asked me to pick my country. The only options were Germany and Austria.

Nintendo 64 Modernisation

Nintendo 64 Modernisation

Nintendo 64 controller with gaming in the background

For the 5th generation of consoles, our mum surprised us for Christmas. I still remember the feeling of shock and amazement as we unwrapped something we couldn’t have even asked for: a Sony PlayStation. What an amazing console! We had such a blast playing that. Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Warhawk, Metal Gear Solid, and dozens more.

Having a PlayStation meant that there was one downside, if you can even call it that: I didn’t experience Nintendo 64 in its heyday. In the early 2000s I did get one from a friend for some reason – I think I traded him for a modded Xbox? But I never really played it.

Banana Brancake

Banana Brancake

Why a brancake?

For as long as I can remember I’ve been the “always hungry” type. I could eat a meal, have seconds, have a food coma, and then be hungry again.

I wanted to break out of this pattern for the primary reasons of:

  • Keeping my waistline in check.
  • Avoiding the afternoon slump i.e. food comas.
  • Not being a hangry monster.

I watched some good videos with titles like Why diets fail and Eliminating stubborn belly fat. I also enjoyed the book How to Eat.